Source code for tensorpack.models.registry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import copy
import re
import collections
from functools import wraps
import six
import tensorflow as tf

from ..compat import tfv1
from ..tfutils.argscope import get_arg_scope
from ..tfutils.model_utils import get_shape_str
from ..utils import logger

# make sure each layer is only logged once

__all__ = ['layer_register', 'disable_layer_logging']

_NameConflict = "LAYER_NAME_CONFLICT!!"

def _register(name, func):
    if name in _LAYER_REGISTRY:
        _LAYER_REGISTRY[name] = _NameConflict
    if name in ['tf']:
        raise ValueError(logger.error("A layer cannot be named {}".format(name)))
    _LAYER_REGISTRY[name] = func

    # handle alias
    if name == 'Conv2DTranspose':
        _register('Deconv2D', func)

def get_registered_layer(name):
        name (str): the name of the layer, e.g. 'Conv2D'
        the wrapped layer function, or None if not registered.
    ret = _LAYER_REGISTRY.get(name, None)
    if ret == _NameConflict:
        raise KeyError("Layer named '{}' is registered with `@layer_register` more than once!".format(name))
    return ret

[docs]def disable_layer_logging(): """ Disable the shape logging for all layers from this moment on. Can be useful when creating multiple towers. """ class ContainEverything: def __contains__(self, x): return True # can use nonlocal in python3, but how globals()['_LAYER_LOGGED'] = ContainEverything()
class LayerShapeLogger(): """ A class that logs shapes of inputs/outputs of layers, during the possibly-nested calls to them. """ def __init__(self): self.stack = collections.deque() self.depth = 0 def _indent(self): return " " * (self.depth * 2) def push_inputs(self, name, message): while len(self.stack): item = self.stack.pop() + "'{}' input: {}".format(item[0], item[1])) self.depth += 1 self.stack.append((name, message)) def push_outputs(self, name, message): if len(self.stack): assert len(self.stack) == 1, self.stack assert self.stack[-1][0] == name, self.stack item = self.stack.pop() + "'{}': {} --> {}".format(name, item[1], message)) else: self.depth -= 1 + "'{}' output: {}".format(name, message)) _SHAPE_LOGGER = LayerShapeLogger()
[docs]def layer_register( log_shape=False, use_scope=True): """ Args: log_shape (bool): log input/output shape of this layer use_scope (bool or None): Whether to call this layer with an extra first argument as variable scope. When set to None, it can be called either with or without the scope name argument, depend on whether the first argument is string or not. Returns: A decorator used to register a layer. Example: .. code-block:: python @layer_register(use_scope=True) def add10(x): return x + tf.get_variable('W', shape=[10]) # use it: output = add10('layer_name', input) # the function will be called under variable scope "layer_name". """ def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): assert args[0] is not None, args if use_scope: name, inputs = args[0], args[1] args = args[1:] # actual positional args used to call func assert isinstance(name, six.string_types), "First argument for \"{}\" should be a string. ".format( func.__name__) + "Did you forget to specify the name of the layer?" else: assert not log_shape if isinstance(args[0], six.string_types): if use_scope is False: logger.warn( "Please call layer {} without the first scope name argument, " "or register the layer with use_scope=None to allow calling it " "with scope names.".format(func.__name__)) name, inputs = args[0], args[1] args = args[1:] # actual positional args used to call func else: inputs = args[0] name = None if not (isinstance(inputs, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)) or (isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(inputs[0], (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)))): raise ValueError("Invalid inputs to layer: " + str(inputs)) # use kwargs from current argument scope actual_args = copy.copy(get_arg_scope()[func.__name__]) # explicit kwargs overwrite argscope actual_args.update(kwargs) # if six.PY3: # # explicit positional args also override argscope. only work in PY3 # posargmap = inspect.signature(func).bind_partial(*args).arguments # for k in six.iterkeys(posargmap): # if k in actual_args: # del actual_args[k] if name is not None: # use scope with tfv1.variable_scope(name) as scope: # this name is only used to surpress logging, doesn't hurt to do some heuristics scope_name = re.sub('tower[0-9]+/', '', do_log_shape = log_shape and scope_name not in _LAYER_LOGGED if do_log_shape: _SHAPE_LOGGER.push_inputs(, get_shape_str(inputs)) # run the actual function outputs = func(*args, **actual_args) if do_log_shape: _SHAPE_LOGGER.push_outputs(, get_shape_str(outputs)) _LAYER_LOGGED.add(scope_name) else: # run the actual function outputs = func(*args, **actual_args) return outputs wrapped_func.use_scope = use_scope wrapped_func.__argscope_enabled__ = True _register(func.__name__, wrapped_func) return wrapped_func return wrapper