
DataFlow is a pure-Python library to create iterators for efficient data loading. It is originally part of tensorpack, and now also available as a separate library.

What is DataFlow

Definition: A DataFlow instance is a idiomatic Python iterator object that has a __iter__() method which yields datapoints, and optionally a __len__() method returning the size of the DataFlow. A datapoint is a list or dict of Python objects, each of which are called the components of a datapoint.

Example: to train on MNIST dataset, you may need a DataFlow with a __iter__() method that yields datapoints (lists) of two components: a numpy array of shape (64, 28, 28), and an array of shape (64,).

DataFlow is independent of the training frameworks since it produces any python objects (usually numpy arrays). You can simply use DataFlow as a data processing pipeline and plug it into your own training code.

Load Raw Data

We do not make any assumptions about your data format. You would usually want to write the source DataFlow (MyDataFlow in the example below) for your own data format. See another tutorial for simple instructions on writing a DataFlow.

Assemble the Pipeline

There are a lot of existing DataFlow utilities in tensorpack, which you can use to assemble the source DataFlow with complex data pipeline. A common pipeline usually would read from disk (or other sources), apply transformations, group into batches, prefetch data, etc, and all run in parallel. A simple DataFlow pipeline is like the following:

# a DataFlow you implement to produce [tensor1, tensor2, ..] lists from whatever sources:
df = MyDataFlow(dir='/my/data', shuffle=True)
# apply transformation to your data
df = MapDataComponent(df, lambda t: transform(t), 0)
# group data into batches of size 128
df = BatchData(df, 128)
# start 3 processes to run the dataflow in parallel
df = MultiProcessRunnerZMQ(df, 3)

A list of built-in DataFlow to use can be found at API docs. You can also find complicated real-life DataFlow pipelines in the ImageNet training script or other tensorpack examples.

Parallelize the Pipeline

DataFlow includes carefully optimized parallel runners and parallel mappers: Multi{Thread,Process}{Runner,MapData}. Runners execute multiple clones of a dataflow in parallel. Mappers execute a mapping function in parallel on top of an existing dataflow. You can find details in the API docs under the “parallel” and “parallel_map” section.

Parallel DataFlow tutorial gives a deeper dive on how to use them to optimize your data pipeline.

Run the DataFlow

When training with tensorpack, typically it is the InputSource interface that runs the DataFlow.

When using DataFlow alone without tensorpack, you need to call reset_state() first to initialize it, and then use the generator however you like:

df = SomeDataFlow()

for dp in df:
    # dp is now a list/dict. do whatever with it

Why DataFlow?

It’s easy and fast. For more discussions, see Why DataFlow? Nevertheless, using DataFlow is not required in tensorpack. Tensorpack supports data loading with native TF operators / TF datasets as well.