Source code for tensorpack.utils.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['StatCounter', 'BinaryStatistics', 'RatioCounter', 'Accuracy',

[docs]class StatCounter(object): """ A simple counter""" def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def feed(self, v): """ Args: v(float or np.ndarray): has to be the same shape between calls. """ self._values.append(v)
[docs] def reset(self): self._values = []
@property def count(self): return len(self._values) @property def average(self): assert len(self._values) return np.mean(self._values) @property def sum(self): assert len(self._values) return np.sum(self._values) @property def max(self): assert len(self._values) return max(self._values) @property def min(self): assert len(self._values) return min(self._values)
[docs] def samples(self): """ Returns all samples. """ return self._values
[docs]class RatioCounter(object): """ A counter to count ratio of something. """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._tot = 0 self._cnt = 0
[docs] def feed(self, count, total=1): """ Args: cnt(int): the count of some event of interest. tot(int): the total number of events. """ self._tot += total self._cnt += count
@property def ratio(self): if self._tot == 0: return 0 return self._cnt * 1.0 / self._tot @property def total(self): """ Returns: int: the total """ return self._tot @property def count(self): """ Returns: int: the total """ return self._cnt
[docs]class Accuracy(RatioCounter): """ A RatioCounter with a fancy name """ @property def accuracy(self): return self.ratio
[docs]class BinaryStatistics(object): """ Statistics for binary decision, including precision, recall, false positive, false negative """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.nr_pos = 0 # positive label self.nr_neg = 0 # negative label self.nr_pred_pos = 0 self.nr_pred_neg = 0 self.corr_pos = 0 # correct predict positive self.corr_neg = 0 # correct predict negative
[docs] def feed(self, pred, label): """ Args: pred (np.ndarray): binary array. label (np.ndarray): binary array of the same size. """ assert pred.shape == label.shape, "{} != {}".format(pred.shape, label.shape) self.nr_pos += (label == 1).sum() self.nr_neg += (label == 0).sum() self.nr_pred_pos += (pred == 1).sum() self.nr_pred_neg += (pred == 0).sum() self.corr_pos += ((pred == 1) & (pred == label)).sum() self.corr_neg += ((pred == 0) & (pred == label)).sum()
@property def precision(self): if self.nr_pred_pos == 0: return 0 return self.corr_pos * 1. / self.nr_pred_pos @property def recall(self): if self.nr_pos == 0: return 0 return self.corr_pos * 1. / self.nr_pos @property def false_positive(self): if self.nr_pred_pos == 0: return 0 return 1 - self.precision @property def false_negative(self): if self.nr_pos == 0: return 0 return 1 - self.recall
[docs]class OnlineMoments(object): """Compute 1st and 2nd moments online (to avoid storing all elements). See algorithm at: """ def __init__(self): self._mean = 0 self._M2 = 0 self._n = 0
[docs] def feed(self, x): """ Args: x (float or np.ndarray): must have the same shape. """ self._n += 1 delta = x - self._mean self._mean += delta * (1.0 / self._n) delta2 = x - self._mean self._M2 += delta * delta2
@property def mean(self): return self._mean @property def variance(self): return self._M2 / (self._n - 1) @property def std(self): return np.sqrt(self.variance)