Source code for tensorpack.utils.timer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import atexit
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from time import perf_counter as timer  # noqa

from . import logger
from .stats import StatCounter

__all__ = ['timed_operation', 'IterSpeedCounter', 'Timer']

[docs]@contextmanager def timed_operation(msg, log_start=False): """ Surround a context with a timer. Args: msg(str): the log to print. log_start(bool): whether to print also at the beginning. Example: .. code-block:: python with timed_operation('Good Stuff'): time.sleep(1) Will print: .. code-block:: python Good stuff finished, time:1sec. """ assert len(msg) if log_start:'Start {} ...'.format(msg)) start = timer() yield msg = msg[0].upper() + msg[1:]'{} finished, time:{:.4f} sec.'.format( msg, timer() - start))
_TOTAL_TIMER_DATA = defaultdict(StatCounter) @contextmanager def total_timer(msg): """ A context which add the time spent inside to the global TotalTimer. """ start = timer() yield t = timer() - start _TOTAL_TIMER_DATA[msg].feed(t) def print_total_timer(): """ Print the content of the global TotalTimer, if it's not empty. This function will automatically get called when program exits. """ if len(_TOTAL_TIMER_DATA) == 0: return for k, v in _TOTAL_TIMER_DATA.items():"Total Time: {} -> {:.2f} sec, {} times, {:.3g} sec/time".format( k, v.sum, v.count, v.average)) atexit.register(print_total_timer) class IterSpeedCounter(object): """ Test how often some code gets reached. Example: Print the speed of the iteration every 100 times. .. code-block:: python speed = IterSpeedCounter(100) for k in range(1000): # do something speed() """ def __init__(self, print_every, name=None): """ Args: print_every(int): interval to print. name(str): name to used when print. """ self.cnt = 0 self.print_every = int(print_every) = name if name else 'IterSpeed' def reset(self): self.start = timer() def __call__(self): if self.cnt == 0: self.reset() self.cnt += 1 if self.cnt % self.print_every != 0: return t = timer() - self.start"{}: {:.2f} sec, {} times, {:.3g} sec/time".format(, t, self.cnt, t / self.cnt))
[docs]class Timer(): """ A timer class which computes the time elapsed since the start/reset of the timer. """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the timer. """ self._start = timer() self._paused = False self._total_paused = 0
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pause the timer. """ assert self._paused is False self._paused = timer()
[docs] def is_paused(self): return self._paused is not False
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resume the timer. """ assert self._paused is not False self._total_paused += timer() - self._paused self._paused = False
[docs] def seconds(self): """ Returns: float: the total number of seconds since the start/reset of the timer, excluding the time in between when the timer is paused. """ if self._paused: self.resume() self.pause() return timer() - self._start - self._total_paused