Source code for tensorpack.callbacks.monitor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import json
import numpy as np
import operator
import os
import re
import shutil
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
import six
import threading

from ..compat import tfv1 as tf
from ..libinfo import __git_version__
from ..tfutils.summary import create_image_summary, create_scalar_summary
from ..utils import fs, logger
from ..utils.develop import HIDE_DOC
from .base import Callback

__all__ = ['MonitorBase', 'Monitors',
           'TFEventWriter', 'JSONWriter',
           'ScalarPrinter', 'SendMonitorData',

def image_to_nhwc(arr):
    if arr.ndim == 4:
    elif arr.ndim == 3:
        if arr.shape[-1] in [1, 3, 4]:
            arr = arr[np.newaxis, :]
            arr = arr[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
    elif arr.ndim == 2:
        arr = arr[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis]
        raise ValueError("Array of shape {} is not an image!".format(arr.shape))
    return arr

[docs]class MonitorBase(Callback): """ Base class for monitors which monitor a training progress, by processing different types of summary/statistics from trainer. .. document private functions .. automethod:: _setup_graph """ _chief_only = False def setup_graph(self, trainer): # Set attributes following Callback.setup_graph self.trainer = trainer self.graph = tf.get_default_graph() self._setup_graph()
[docs] def _setup_graph(self): """ Override this method to setup the monitor.""" pass
[docs] def process_summary(self, summary): """ Process a tf.Summary. """ pass
[docs] def process(self, name, val): """ Process a key-value pair. """ pass
[docs] def process_scalar(self, name, val): """ Args: val: a scalar """ pass
[docs] def process_image(self, name, val): """ Args: val (np.ndarray): 4D (NHWC) numpy array of images in range [0,255]. If channel is 3, assumed to be RGB. """ pass
[docs] def process_event(self, evt): """ Args: evt (tf.Event): the most basic format acceptable by tensorboard. It could include Summary, RunMetadata, LogMessage, and more. """ pass
# TODO process other types class NoOpMonitor(MonitorBase): def __init__(self, name=None): self._name = name def __str__(self): if self._name is None: return "NoOpMonitor" return "NoOpMonitor({})".format(self._name)
[docs]class Monitors(Callback): """ Merge monitors together for trainer to use. In training, each trainer will create a :class:`Monitors` instance, and you can access it through ``trainer.monitors``. You should use ``trainer.monitors`` for logging and it will dispatch your logs to each sub-monitor. """ _chief_only = False def __init__(self, monitors): self._scalar_history = ScalarHistory() self._monitors = monitors + [self._scalar_history] for m in self._monitors: assert isinstance(m, MonitorBase), m def _setup_graph(self): # scalar_history's other methods were not called. # but they are not useful for now self._scalar_history.setup_graph(self.trainer) def _dispatch(self, func): for m in self._monitors: func(m)
[docs] def put_summary(self, summary): """ Put a `tf.Summary`. """ if isinstance(summary, six.binary_type): summary = tf.Summary.FromString(summary) assert isinstance(summary, tf.Summary), type(summary) # TODO other types for val in summary.value: if val.WhichOneof('value') == 'simple_value': val.tag = re.sub('tower[0-9]+/', '', val.tag) # TODO move to subclasses # TODO This hack is still needed, seem to disappear only when # compiled from source. suffix = '-summary' # tensorflow#6150, tensorboard#59 if val.tag.endswith(suffix): val.tag = val.tag[:-len(suffix)] self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_scalar(val.tag, val.simple_value)) self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_summary(summary))
[docs] def put_scalar(self, name, val): """ Put a scalar. """ if isinstance(val, np.floating): val = float(val) if isinstance(val, np.integer): val = int(val) self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_scalar(name, val)) s = create_scalar_summary(name, val) self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_summary(s))
[docs] def put_image(self, name, val): """ Put an image. Args: name (str): val (np.ndarray): 2D, 3D (HWC) or 4D (NHWC) numpy array of images in range [0,255]. If channel is 3, assumed to be RGB. """ assert isinstance(val, np.ndarray) arr = image_to_nhwc(val) self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_image(name, arr)) s = create_image_summary(name, arr) self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_summary(s))
[docs] def put_event(self, evt): """ Put an :class:`tf.Event`. `step` and `wall_time` fields of :class:`tf.Event` will be filled automatically. Args: evt (tf.Event): """ evt.step = self.global_step evt.wall_time = time.time() self._dispatch(lambda m: m.process_event(evt))
[docs] def get_latest(self, name): """ Get latest scalar value of some data. If you run multiprocess training, keep in mind that the data is perhaps only available on chief process. Returns: scalar """ return self._scalar_history.get_latest(name)[1]
[docs] def get_history(self, name): """ Get a history of the scalar value of some data. If you run multiprocess training, keep in mind that the data is perhaps only available on chief process. Returns: a list of (global_step, value) pairs: history data for this scalar """ return self._scalar_history.get_history(name)
[docs]class TFEventWriter(MonitorBase): """ Write summaries to TensorFlow event file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, logdir=None, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, split_files=False): """ Args: logdir: ``logger.get_logger_dir()`` by default. max_queue, flush_secs: Same as in :class:`tf.summary.FileWriter`. split_files: if True, split events to multiple files rather than append to a single file. Useful on certain filesystems where append is expensive. """ if logdir is None: logdir = logger.get_logger_dir() assert tf.gfile.IsDirectory(logdir), logdir self._logdir = fs.normpath(logdir) self._max_queue = max_queue self._flush_secs = flush_secs self._split_files = split_files
def __new__(cls, logdir=None, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, **kwargs): if logdir is None: logdir = logger.get_logger_dir() if logdir is not None: return super(TFEventWriter, cls).__new__(cls) else: logger.warn("logger directory was not set. Ignore TFEventWriter.") return NoOpMonitor("TFEventWriter") def _setup_graph(self): self._writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( self._logdir, max_queue=self._max_queue, flush_secs=self._flush_secs) def _write_graph(self): self._writer.add_graph(self.graph) def _before_train(self): # Writing the graph is expensive (takes ~2min) when the graph is large. # Therefore use a separate thread. It will then run in the # background while TF is warming up in the first several iterations. self._write_graph_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._write_graph) self._write_graph_thread.daemon = True self._write_graph_thread.start() @HIDE_DOC def process_summary(self, summary): self._writer.add_summary(summary, self.global_step) @HIDE_DOC def process_event(self, evt): self._writer.add_event(evt) def _trigger(self): # flush every epoch self._writer.flush() if self._split_files: self._writer.close() self._writer.reopen() # open new file def _after_train(self): self._writer.close()
[docs]class JSONWriter(MonitorBase): """ Write all scalar data to a json file under ``logger.get_logger_dir()``, grouped by their global step. If found an earlier json history file, will append to it. """ FILENAME = 'stats.json' """ The name of the json file. Do not change it. """ def __new__(cls): if logger.get_logger_dir(): return super(JSONWriter, cls).__new__(cls) else: logger.warn("logger directory was not set. Ignore JSONWriter.") return NoOpMonitor("JSONWriter")
[docs] @staticmethod def load_existing_json(dir=None): """ Look for an existing json under dir (defaults to :meth:`logger.get_logger_dir()`) named "stats.json", and return the loaded list of statistics if found. Returns None otherwise. """ if dir is None: dir = logger.get_logger_dir() fname = os.path.join(dir, JSONWriter.FILENAME) if tf.gfile.Exists(fname): with open(fname) as f: stats = json.load(f) assert isinstance(stats, list), type(stats) return stats return None
[docs] @staticmethod def load_existing_epoch_number(dir=None): """ Try to load the latest epoch number from an existing json stats file (if any). Returns None if not found. """ stats = JSONWriter.load_existing_json(dir) try: return int(stats[-1]['epoch_num']) except Exception: return None
# initialize the stats here, because before_train from other callbacks may use it def _setup_graph(self): self._stats = [] self._stat_now = {} self._last_gs = -1 def _before_train(self): stats = JSONWriter.load_existing_json() self._fname = os.path.join(logger.get_logger_dir(), JSONWriter.FILENAME) if stats is not None: try: epoch = stats[-1]['epoch_num'] + 1 except Exception: epoch = None # check against the current training settings # therefore this logic needs to be in before_train stage starting_epoch = self.trainer.loop.starting_epoch if epoch is None or epoch == starting_epoch:"Found existing JSON inside {}, will append to it.".format(logger.get_logger_dir())) self._stats = stats else: logger.warn( "History epoch={} from JSON is not the predecessor of the current starting_epoch={}".format( epoch - 1, starting_epoch)) logger.warn("If you want to resume old training, either use `AutoResumeTrainConfig` " "or correctly set the new starting_epoch yourself to avoid inconsistency. ") backup_fname = JSONWriter.FILENAME + '.' +'%m%d-%H%M%S') backup_fname = os.path.join(logger.get_logger_dir(), backup_fname) logger.warn("Now, we will train with starting_epoch={} and backup old json to {}".format( self.trainer.loop.starting_epoch, backup_fname)) shutil.move(self._fname, backup_fname) # in case we have something to log here. self._trigger() def _trigger_step(self): # will do this in trigger_epoch if self.local_step != self.trainer.steps_per_epoch - 1: self._trigger() def _trigger_epoch(self): self._trigger() @HIDE_DOC def process_scalar(self, name, val): self._stat_now[name] = val def _trigger(self): """ Add stats to json and dump to disk. Note that this method is idempotent. """ if len(self._stat_now): self._stat_now['epoch_num'] = self.epoch_num self._stat_now['global_step'] = self.global_step self._stats.append(self._stat_now) self._stat_now = {} self._write_stat() def _write_stat(self): tmp_filename = self._fname + '.tmp' try: with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._stats, f) shutil.move(tmp_filename, self._fname) except IOError: # disk error sometimes.. logger.exception("Exception in JSONWriter._write_stat()!")
[docs]class ScalarPrinter(MonitorBase): """ Print scalar data into terminal. """
[docs] def __init__(self, enable_step=False, enable_epoch=True, whitelist=None, blacklist=None): """ Args: enable_step, enable_epoch (bool): whether to print the monitor data (if any) between steps or between epochs. whitelist (list[str] or None): A list of regex. Only names matching some regex will be allowed for printing. Defaults to match all names. blacklist (list[str] or None): A list of regex. Names matching any regex will not be printed. Defaults to match no names. """ def compile_regex(rs): if rs is None: return None rs = {re.compile(r) for r in rs} return rs self._whitelist = compile_regex(whitelist) if blacklist is None: blacklist = [] self._blacklist = compile_regex(blacklist) self._enable_step = enable_step self._enable_epoch = enable_epoch self._dic = {}
# in case we have something to log here. def _before_train(self): self._trigger() def _trigger_step(self): if self._enable_step: if self.local_step != self.trainer.steps_per_epoch - 1: # not the last step self._trigger() else: if not self._enable_epoch: self._trigger() # otherwise, will print them together def _trigger_epoch(self): if self._enable_epoch: self._trigger() @HIDE_DOC def process_scalar(self, name, val): self._dic[name] = float(val) def _trigger(self): # Print stats here def match_regex_list(regexs, name): for r in regexs: if is not None: return True return False for k, v in sorted(self._dic.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)): if self._whitelist is None or \ match_regex_list(self._whitelist, k): if not match_regex_list(self._blacklist, k):'{}: {:.5g}'.format(k, v)) self._dic = {}
class ScalarHistory(MonitorBase): """ Only internally used by monitors. """ def __init__(self): self._dic = defaultdict(list) @HIDE_DOC def process_scalar(self, name, val): self._dic[name].append((self.global_step, float(val))) def get_latest(self, name): hist = self._dic[name] if len(hist) == 0: raise KeyError("No available data for the key: {}".format(name)) else: return hist[-1] def get_history(self, name): return self._dic[name]
[docs]class SendMonitorData(MonitorBase): """ Execute a command with some specific scalar monitor data. This is useful for, e.g. building a custom statistics monitor. It will try to send once receiving all the stats """
[docs] def __init__(self, command, names): """ Args: command(str): a command to execute. Use format string with stat names as keys. names(list or str): data name(s) to use. Example: Send the stats to your phone through pushbullet: .. code-block:: python SendMonitorData('curl -u your_id: \\ -d type=note -d title="validation error" \\ -d body={validation_error} > /dev/null 2>&1', 'validation_error') """ self.command = command if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] self.names = names self.dic = {}
@HIDE_DOC def process_scalar(self, name, val): if name in self.names: self.dic[name] = val def _trigger_step(self): self._trigger() def _trigger(self): try: v = {k: self.dic[k] for k in self.names} except KeyError: return cmd = self.command.format(**v) ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: logger.error("Command '{}' failed with ret={}!".format(cmd, ret)) self.dic = {}
[docs]class CometMLMonitor(MonitorBase): """ Send scalar data and the graph to Note: 1. comet_ml requires you to `import comet_ml` before importing tensorflow or tensorpack. 2. The "automatic output logging" feature of comet_ml will make the training progress bar appear to freeze. Therefore the feature is disabled by default. """
[docs] def __init__(self, experiment=None, tags=None, **kwargs): """ Args: experiment (comet_ml.Experiment): if provided, invalidate all other arguments tags (list[str]): experiment tags kwargs: arguments used to initialize :class:`comet_ml.Experiment`, such as project name, API key, etc. Refer to its documentation for details. """ if experiment is not None: self._exp = experiment assert tags is None and len(kwargs) == 0 else: from comet_ml import Experiment kwargs.setdefault('log_code', True) # though it's not functioning, git patch logging requires it kwargs.setdefault('auto_output_logging', None) self._exp = Experiment(**kwargs) if tags is not None: self._exp.add_tags(tags) self._exp.set_code("Code logging is impossible ...") self._exp.log_dependency('tensorpack', __git_version__)
@property def experiment(self): """ The :class:`comet_ml.Experiment` instance. """ return self._exp def _before_train(self): self._exp.set_model_graph(tf.get_default_graph()) @HIDE_DOC def process_scalar(self, name, val): self._exp.log_metric(name, val, step=self.global_step) @HIDE_DOC def process_image(self, name, val): self._exp.set_step(self.global_step) for idx, v in enumerate(val): log_name = "{}_step{}{}".format( name, self.global_step, "_" + str(idx) if len(val) > 1 else "") self._exp.log_image(v, image_format="jpeg", name=log_name, image_minmax=(0, 255)) def _after_train(self): self._exp.end() def _after_epoch(self): self._exp.log_epoch_end(self.epoch_num)