Source code for tensorpack.tfutils.varmanip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import glob
import operator
import numpy as np
import os
import pprint
import six
import tensorflow as tf

from ..compat import tfv1
from ..utils import logger
from .common import get_op_tensor_name

__all__ = ['SessionUpdate', 'dump_session_params',
           'load_chkpt_vars', 'save_chkpt_vars',
           'load_checkpoint_vars', 'save_checkpoint_vars',
           'get_checkpoint_path', 'get_all_checkpoints']

def get_savename_from_varname(
        varname, varname_prefix=None,
        varname(str): a variable name in the graph
        varname_prefix(str): an optional prefix that may need to be removed in varname
        savename_prefix(str): an optional prefix to append to all savename
        str: the name used to save the variable
    name = varname
    if varname_prefix is not None \
            and name.startswith(varname_prefix):
        name = name[len(varname_prefix) + 1:]
    if savename_prefix is not None:
        name = savename_prefix + '/' + name
    return name

class SessionUpdate(object):
    """ Update the variables in a session """

    def __init__(self, sess, vars_to_update, ignore_mismatch=False):
            sess (tf.Session): a session object
            vars_to_update: a collection of variables to update
            ignore_mismatch (bool): ignore failures when the value and the
                variable does not match.
        self.sess = sess
        self.name_map = { v for v in vars_to_update}
        self.ignore_mismatch = ignore_mismatch

    def relaxed_value_for_var(value, var, ignore_mismatch=False):
        Returns a relaxed (possibly reshaped/upcast-ed) version of value,
        to be loaded to the given variable.

            value (ndarray): an numpy array to be loaded to var
            var (tf.Variable):
            ignore_mismatch (bool): ignore failures when the value and the
                variable does not match.

            ndarray: a possibly reshaped or casted version of value.
            Returns None if `ignore_mismatch==True` and the value and the variable
        assert isinstance(var, tf.Variable)
        name =

        # check incompatible shape
        varshape = tuple(var.get_shape().as_list())
        if varshape != value.shape:
            if !=
                if ignore_mismatch:
                        "Cannot load an array of shape {} into variable '{}' whose shape is {}.".format(
                            value.shape, name, varshape))
                    return None
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Trying to load an array of shape {} into variable '{}' whose shape is {}.".format(
                            value.shape, name, varshape))
            # TODO only allow reshape when shape different by empty axis
            logger.warn("The tensor is reshaped from {} to {} when assigned to '{}'".format(
                value.shape, varshape, name))
            value = value.reshape(varshape)

        # Be permissive, and allow some common type incompatibility problems
        def allow_cast(to_type, from_type):
            # to_type: a tf dtype
            # from_type: a numpy dtype
            from_type = tf.as_dtype(from_type)

            # allow up/down casting between floating points
            if from_type.is_floating and to_type.is_floating:
                return True

            if from_type.is_integer and to_type.is_integer:
                # only allow up-casting between integers
                if to_type.min <= from_type.min and to_type.max >= from_type.max:
                    return True
            return False

        if hasattr(value, 'dtype'):
            vartype = var.dtype.as_numpy_dtype
            if vartype != value.dtype:
                msg = "Variable {} has dtype {} but was given a value of dtype {}.".format(name, var.dtype, value.dtype)

                if allow_cast(var.dtype.base_dtype, value.dtype):
                    value = vartype(value)
                    logger.warn(msg + " The value will be loaded after casting!")
                    assert vartype == value.dtype, msg
        return value

    def update(self, prms):
            prms(dict): dict of {variable name: value}
                Any name in prms must be in the graph and in vars_to_update.
        with self.sess.as_default():
            fetches = []
            feeds = {}
            for name, value in six.iteritems(prms):
                assert name in self.name_map
                var = self.name_map[name]
                value = SessionUpdate.relaxed_value_for_var(
                    value, var, ignore_mismatch=self.ignore_mismatch)
                # This is the implementation of `var.load`
                if value is not None:
                    feeds[var.initializer.inputs[1]] = value
  , feed_dict=feeds)

[docs]def dump_session_params(path): """ Dump value of all TRAINABLE + MODEL variables to a dict, and save as npz format (loadable by :func:`sessinit.SmartInit`). Args: path(str): the file name to save the parameters. Must ends with npz. """ # save variables that are GLOBAL, and either TRAINABLE or MODEL var = tfv1.get_collection(tfv1.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) var.extend(tfv1.get_collection(tfv1.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES)) # TODO dedup assert len(set(var)) == len(var), "TRAINABLE and MODEL variables have duplication!" gvars = { for k in tfv1.global_variables()} var = [v for v in var if in gvars] result = {} for v in var: result[] = v.eval() save_checkpoint_vars(result, path)
[docs]def save_checkpoint_vars(dic, path): """ Save variables in dic to path. Args: dic: {name: value} path: save as npz if the name ends with '.npz', otherwise save as a checkpoint. """"Variables to save to {}:".format(path)) keys = sorted(dic.keys()) assert not path.endswith('.npy') if path.endswith('.npz'): np.savez_compressed(path, **dic) else: with tfv1.Graph().as_default(), \ tfv1.Session() as sess: for k, v in six.iteritems(dic): k = get_op_tensor_name(k)[0] _ = tfv1.Variable(name=k, initial_value=v) # noqa saver = tfv1.train.Saver(), path, write_meta_graph=False)
def get_checkpoint_path(path): """ Work around TF problems in checkpoint path handling. Args: path: a user-input path Returns: str: the argument that can be passed to `tf.train.NewCheckpointReader` """ if os.path.basename(path) == path: path = os.path.join('.', path) # avoid #4921 and #6142 if os.path.basename(path) == 'checkpoint': assert tfv1.gfile.Exists(path), path path = tfv1.train.latest_checkpoint(os.path.dirname(path)) # to be consistent with either v1 or v2 # fix paths if provided a wrong one new_path = path if '00000-of-00001' in path: new_path = path.split('.data')[0] elif path.endswith('.index'): new_path = path.split('.index')[0] if new_path != path: "Checkpoint path {} is auto-corrected to {}.".format(path, new_path)) path = new_path assert tfv1.gfile.Exists(path) or tfv1.gfile.Exists(path + '.index'), path return path
[docs]def get_all_checkpoints(dir: str, prefix: str = "model"): """ Get a sorted list of all checkpoints found in directory. Args: dir (str): checkpoint directory prefix (str): common prefix among all checkpoints (without the final "-") Returns: list[(str, int)]: list of (name, step) sorted by step. Name is a checkpoint handle that can be passed to `tf.train.NewCheckpointReader` or :func:`load_checkpoint_vars`. """ def step_from_filename(name): name = os.path.basename(name) name = name[len(f"{prefix}-"):-len(".index")] return int(name) checkpoints = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "model-*.index")) checkpoints = [(f, step_from_filename(f)) for f in checkpoints] checkpoints = sorted(checkpoints, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) return checkpoints
[docs]def load_checkpoint_vars(path): """ Load all variables from a checkpoint to a dict. Args: path(str): path to a checkpoint. Returns: dict: a name:value dict """ if path.endswith(".npz"): ret = dict(np.load(path)) ret = {get_op_tensor_name(k)[0]: v for k, v in ret.items()} return ret path = get_checkpoint_path(path) reader = tfv1.train.NewCheckpointReader(path) var_names = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map().keys() result = {} for n in var_names: result[n] = reader.get_tensor(n) return result
def is_training_name(name): """ **Guess** if this variable is only used in training. Only used internally to avoid too many logging. Do not use it. """ # TODO: maybe simply check against TRAINABLE_VARIABLES and MODEL_VARIABLES? # TODO or use get_slot_names() name = get_op_tensor_name(name)[0] if name.endswith('/Adam') or name.endswith('/Adam_1'): return True if name.endswith('/Momentum'): return True if name.endswith('/Adadelta') or name.endswith('/Adadelta_1'): return True if name.endswith('/RMSProp') or name.endswith('/RMSProp_1'): return True if name.endswith('/Adagrad'): return True if name.startswith('EMA/') or '/EMA/' in name: # all the moving average summaries return True if name.startswith('AccumGrad') or name.endswith('/AccumGrad'): return True if name.startswith('apply_gradients'): return True return False load_chkpt_vars = load_checkpoint_vars save_chkpt_vars = save_checkpoint_vars